
Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 12

Well, finally, it’s the last day, number 12. In the song, twelve drummers drumming. See Day 11 for how I would also feel about this gift. To close this chapter, I wanted to touch on some other popular items I particularly liked this year.

Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 9

Welcome to Day 9. We have 4 days before Christmas. I hope all of you have a very safe and wonderful start to the Christmas festivities this weekend. Day 9 is nine ladies dancing. There’s some Christian symbolism that fits with the number nine, which some suggest is the deeper meaning, others suggest it’s simply [.

Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 7

Welcome to Day 7. We have 5 days before Christmas, and this list is getting down to the short straws. The seventh day is seven swans. That sounds even worse than 6 geese, but who am I to judge? Since it’s the 7th day and swans, bird photography isn’t a bad idea to highlight here.

Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 6

Welcome to Day 6, and we have six days before Christmas, and this list is half done. The sixth day is six geese. That sounds like a decent gift back in 1790 or so, but now it seems like it would be up there with a 300-piece tea set for your 3-year-old niece. Because it’s [...]

Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 5

Welcome to Day 5, and we have a week before Christmas. The fifth day is five golden rings. But it, too, isn’t quite what it seems. The assumption that I had, and I think most people, was that I referred to jewellery, but that doesn’t seem to be what some historians think it was.

Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 4

Welcome to Day 4, and we have a week before Christmas Eve. The fourth day is four calling birds. But apparently, it gets deeper, my friends. The original published version was four colly birds, which later changed to four calling birds (assumed to be the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

Canon Rumors 12 Days of Christmas – Day 3

Welcome to Day 3, and the number of days before Christmas is starting to run low. The third day is three French Hens. This is a more complicated subject than I originally thought. Have a read here.

