Adobe has announced Auto Reframe, a new Adobe Sensei-powered framing tool coming to Premiere Pro. Auto Reframe uses Adobe’s AI and machine learning technology to automatically recompose footage for different formats so a single video can easily be created for multiple aspect ratios without having to manually keyframe each clip.
Auto Reframe analyzes the video it’s applied to, crops it according to the aspect ratio of your choosing, and will pan the video to keep track of the subject matter.
If the automated result isn't quite where it should be, editing the resulting composition is as easy as changing a few of the keyframes that are automatically created with the tool.
Adobe doesn’t give a specific timeframe for the arrival of Auto Reframe, but says it will launch in an update to Premiere Pro ‘later this year. ’
Coming soon to Premiere Pro: Auto Reframe
Today, we’re excited to announce a new feature coming to Premiere Pro that will be a must-have in the age of content and platform proliferation. Powered by Adobe Sensei, Auto Reframe intelligently reframes and reformats video content for different aspect ratios, from square to vertical to cinematic 16:9 versions. Like Content-Aware Fill for After Effects (introduced this spring), Auto Reframe is an Adobe Sensei technology that uses AI and machine learning to accelerate manual production tasks, without sacrificing creative control. Through Adobe Sensei, we’re leveraging over a decade of AI and machine learning capabilities built into Adobe’s flagship products.
For broadcasters or anyone else who needs to optimize content for different platforms, Auto Reframe will help you get there faster. If you’re on the ground at IBC, we’d be happy to show you how Auto Reframe analyzes, crops, and pans footage to prioritize the most compelling parts of your video at our IBC Stand (Hall 7-7. B35).
2019-9-14 16:39