$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_5958602644","galleryId":"5958602644","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); Buried among its new full-frame mirrorless system and new lenses, Canon also snuck out a new external flash: the Speedlite EL-100.
This compact flash, which weighs just 190g (6. 7oz) has plenty of power, with a guide number of 26m (85ft) at ISO 100. The EL-100 runs on two AA batteries and has a minimum recycling time of 5. 8 seconds.
The flash can be tilted both horizontally and vertically for bounce capability, and it also has a manual zoom head. In addition to a 'set it and forget it' Auto mode, stroboscopic and 2nd-curtain options are also available. Despite its $199 price tag, the EL-100 is able to serve as both an optical transmitter and receiver, supporting 3 groups and 4 channels.
As mentioned above, Canon's latest Speedlite will cost $199 when it ships in October.
Press Release:
New Speedlite Series
Canon is also introducing a new compact and lightweight Speedlite, the EL-100. Designed for photographers who are just beginning to use an external flash or are in need of a secondary unit, the new Speedlite delivers both soft and natural lighting reproduction. In addition, the EL-100 can rotate upwards and to the left and right enabling photographers to bounce the flash off of nearby ceilings, walls or surfaces.
Additional Features of the Canon Speedlite EL-100 include:
Maximum Guide Number of Approx. 85 ft. /26m at ISO 100
24mm Wide-angle Coverage
Optical Wireless Flash Function (Sender and Receiver)
Flash Exposure Control Including Support for Stroboscopic Flash and Continuous Shooting Camera-linked Functions Including Interlocked External Flash Power On/Off
Mode Dial with AUTO Position
The Canon Speedlite EL-100 will be available for purchase in October 2018 for an estimated retail price of $199. 99.
2018-9-7 21:59