In February, the CompactFlash Association announced the CFexpress 2. 0 specification, a follow-up to the CFexpress 1. 0 specification first revealed in late 2016. The new 2. 0 spec update brings two more form factors to CFexpress, both targeting industrial and professional imaging markets, according to the association.
The two new form factors join the original, ushering in Type A, Type B and Type C cards.
CFexpress 2. 0 Type A cards are the smallest of the three form factors at 20mm x 28mm x 2. 8mm, which is a bit smaller than a standard SD card. The Type A cards feature a Gen3 PCIe interface with 1 lane and a maximum theoretical performance of 1000MB/s.
The Type B card has the same dimensions as XQD cards at 38. 5mm x 29. 8mm x 3. 8mm; this variety has a Gen3, 2 lanes interface and max theoretical performance of 2000MB/s. Finally, the Type C form factor is largest at 54mm x 74mm x 4. 8mm with a Gen3, 4 lanes interface and max theoretical performance of 4000MB/s.
The different form factors offer manufacturers flexibility in choosing which card type their devices will utilize, such as the small card with a priority on compact size instead of transfer speeds, or the largest card with a focus on speed at the expense of compactness. Japanese publication DC. Watch shared images of these different card form factors earlier this month.
According to the CF Association, the CFexpress 2. 0 specification is designed for a variety of needs, including imaging, which specifically includes DSLRs, mirrorless cameras, drone cameras and video cameras.
. dpreview.com2019-3-15 22:56