When we talk about rugged camera equipment, the subjects are usually an action camera, weather resistant lens or maybe even an all-weather jacket. However, this time around it’s a card reader that’s been given the apocalypse-proof treatment as Delkin has debuted a rugged USB 3.
0 reader that supports SD UHS-II, MicroSD UHS-II and CF UDMA 7 memory cards.
The Delkin can take three cards at the same time!
While this sort of kit may not be suitable for every photographer, the specs do make for interesting reading as the three slots can support simultaneous data transfer and boasts speeds up to 500MB/s, which is up to ten times faster than USB 2. 0 readers. The design of the card is quirky, with a space for the built in cord to be wrapped around the unit and then protected by a rubberized cover.
Delkin are so confident in the design of Black USB 3. 0 Rugged Memory Card Reader that if it breaks any time during the five-year warranty period, Delkin will ship you a replacement within 48 hours thanks to a 'no questions asked' policy. "This covers the unthinkable, including pet and child inflicted damage, gum-in-the-camera-bag accidents, salt exposure, and more. ," explained Delkin's Jenn Sherry in the press information.
A rubberized cover protects the cord!
The reader is also compatible with Delkin’s range of Black memory cards, which also offer rugged features and claim to be three times stronger than a regular SD card. Water and dustproof, the cards can withstand up to 80 pounds of force and operate in conditions down to -25 degrees Celsius.
No pricing information has been released yet and the Reader is available through Delkin authorised dealers.
http://www. delkindevices. com/
So, would you pack a rugged card reader like the Delkin in your bag or is this just gear overkill?
The reader weighs in at just 0. 2lbs!
. digitalrev.com2017-5-17 03:00