DPReview has partnered with the TWiT Network (named after its flagship show, This Week in Tech) to produce a regular segment for The New Screen Savers, a popular weekend show hosted by technology guru Leo Laporte.
On this week's episode of The New Screen Savers, DPReview editor Dan Bracaglia joins Leo and guest host, Georgia Dow of iMore. com, to talk about medium-format digital photography and the Fujifilm GFX 50S. Tune in to the entire episode to also learn about mesh Wi-Fi networks, an HP all-in-one computer with a curved 34-inch display, and a review of the 2nd gen Nvidia Shield TV.
You can watch The New Screen Savers live every Saturday at 3pm Pacific Time (23:00 UTC), on demand through our articles, the TWiT website, or YouTube, as well as through most podcasting apps.
. dpreview.com2017-3-28 11:00