16:20беспроводной модем 0 + Представлен обновленный беспроводной модем CamFi 3 для камер21:13 0 + CamFi update adds wireless tethering support to Fujifilm's most popular cameras23:25wireless 0 + CamFi Pro Aims to Become the World’s Fastest Wireless Camera Controller21:31 0 + CamFi wireless camera controller now supports Sony digital cameras23:37 0 + CamFi научился автоматически загружать картинки в Dropbox
22:49wifi 0 + CamFi Unveils New Wireless Tethering System For Remote Photography21:38Other/ 0 + CamFi Pro Plus добавляет беспроводную привязку камер к Lightroom, Capture One и другим приложениям20:25 0 + The CamFi Pro promises blazing-fast wireless photo transfer20:00Software 0 + CamFi 3.0 Adds Wireless Tether Support for Sony Cameras
21:38Other/ 0 + CamFi Pro Plus добавляет беспроводную привязку камер к Lightroom, Capture One и другим приложениям
18:27 0 + CamFi 3 and 3 Plus wireless tethering devices promise improved speed, performance19:23 0 + CamFi Pro Plus brings wireless tethering to 3rd party apps19:00Software 0 + CamFi Release Free Bullet Time Effect Build Software22:46 0 + CamFi launches Matrix software for multiple camera control