05:14Новости компаний 0 + PHOTOPIA Hamburg заменит Photokina. Названы время и место проведения выставки17:38 0 + Photokina is cancelled indefinitely13:18Новости компаний 0 + Официально: Photokina 2020 отменена23:13pressconference 0 + Photokina Organizers Say They Won’t Cancel the Show Due to Coronavirus… for Now19:41Ожидаем анонсы 0 + Sony 12-24mm f/2.8 GM будет объявлен на Photokina 202023:08 0 + Photokina confirms Canon, Panasonic and Sony will be at 2020 expo01:24tradeshow 0 + Nikon, Leica and Olympus are Not Going to Attend Photokina 202016:57Kaddr выставка 0 + Nikon Z7 vs Sony A7R III [Photokina 2018]
05:14Новости компаний 0 + PHOTOPIA Hamburg заменит Photokina. Названы время и место проведения выставки
23:13pressconference 0 + Photokina Organizers Say They Won’t Cancel the Show Due to Coronavirus… for Now
05:00Другие новости 0 + В Кельне открывается выставка фотоиндустрии Photokina 202123:46Other/ 0 + Выставка Photokina 2020 отменена из-за коронавируса23:07 0 + Photokina 2020 is cancelled due to COVID-19, but is set for a May 2022 return20:32 0 + Organizers say Photokina 2020 is still set to go according to schedule, despite growing COVID-19 concerns19:48tradeshow 0 + Confirmed: Fujifilm Will Not Attend Photokina Due to ‘Cost Effectiveness’ and ‘Launch Timing’21:16support 0 + Canon, Sony, and Panasonic ‘Confirm Their Commitment’ to Photokina in Odd Press Release14:25Other/ 0 + Объявлено о переносе следующей выставки Photokina на май 2020
20:32 0 + Organizers say Photokina 2020 is still set to go according to schedule, despite growing COVID-19 concerns
19:48tradeshow 0 + Confirmed: Fujifilm Will Not Attend Photokina Due to ‘Cost Effectiveness’ and ‘Launch Timing’
21:16support 0 + Canon, Sony, and Panasonic ‘Confirm Their Commitment’ to Photokina in Odd Press Release
18:32Новости компаний 0 + Photokina 2021 приостановлена… и может больше не вернуться?07:12Новости компаний 0 + Назван срок проведения следующей выставки Photokina22:56tradeshow 0 + Photokina 2020 Has Been Cancelled Due to Coronavirus, Will Return in May 202213:34Новости компаний 0 + Может ли быть отменена Photokina 2020 из-за коронавируса?19:31Новости компаний 0 + Еще одна компания не примет участия в Photokina 2020!20:18 0 + Confirmed: Leica, Nikon and Olympus won't be attending Photokina 202023:46 0 + Photokina 2019 gets postponed, will become an annual event starting May 2020