18:26yearinreview 0 + PetaPixel Writers Pick Their Favorite Stories of 202419:40obituary 0 + Acclaimed Food Photographer Aubrie Pick Dies Aged 4217:17webcam 0 + Canon Brings the PowerShot PICK Active Tracking Camera to the U.S.07:28Новости компаний 0 + Canon раскрывает цену PowerShot PICK17:00 0 + Best drones of 2019
14:26machinelearning 0 + The ‘Poopcopter’ Uses an AI Camera to Pick Up Dog Mess23:07wildlifephotography 0 + Photo of a Snow Leopard is Your Pick for Wildlife Photographer of the Year18:40zakray 0 + LensKit App Helps You Pick The Right Camera and Lens Combination23:00webcam 0 + Canon Reveals Price and More Details for its AI Camera, the PowerShot PICK
23:07wildlifephotography 0 + Photo of a Snow Leopard is Your Pick for Wildlife Photographer of the Year
17:30tinder 0 + Tinder Adds AI to Help You Pick Your Best Photos and Get More Matches22:50warp 0 + Testing Every Type of Stabilization Technique to Pick a Winner21:12 0 + Canon unveils AI-powered automatic camera, the PowerShot PICK07:18Анонсы фотокамер 0 + Canon представила «семейную» камеру PowerShot PICK