22:00tagvault 0 + This Arca-Swiss Tripod Plate Hides an AirTag On Your Camera17:59wetplatephotography 0 + Tiny Lens Creates Huge Headaches for Wet Plate Photographer21:36thesun 0 + Glass Plate Pinhole Camera Records Sun’s Path Over a Year21:58 0 + Video: Building a DIY wet plate camera and photographing 'ghosts'20:18 0 + Video: Shooting wet plate portraits with affordable large format camera equipment23:24 0 + The Luma Labs Offset Ti Plate is a 13g titanium tripod plate that costs $9519:33 0 + Wet plate photographer shoots portrait of subject 4000 miles away via Zoom22:00 0 + Magic Plate quick-release plate makes it easy to toggle from landscape to portrait20:33wetplatephotography 0 + This Photographer Colorizes His Wet Plate Photos with Striking Results21:01wetplatecollodion 0 + Wet Plate Collodion Passport Photos with a Polaroid Miniportrait Camera13:56Кино 0 + Истерика в цветочном платье – 30 фильмов, которые стоит прочувствовать23:09wetplatecollodion 0 + Shooting a Wet Plate Macro of a Cherry Blossom High on a Tree
17:52 0 + SmallRig announces new cages for Sony's flagship cameras12:04Приложения 0 + YouTube прокомментировал слухи о плате за высокое качество видео03:00 0 + Кристина Сырчикова закончила работу над фотокнигой «Похоронное платье» и собирает средства на издание23:50williammortensen 0 + Wet Plate Pictorialism in the Modern World: ‘Maiden Pouring Milk’22:54wetplateportraits 0 + This Wet Plate Photo Took the Collaboration of 90 People to Produce19:23 0 + Video: How to safely make a 35mm daguerreotype at home20:28zoom 0 + This Photographer Shot a Wet Plate Portrait Over Video Chat00:23 0 + Spider Holster launches updated Hand Strap and Lens Collar Plate, as well as two new products20:07howardgrill 0 + Remembering the Dead: Discovering Century-Old Dry Plate Photos21:59wetplatecollodion 0 + Ice Crystals Captured in a Wet Plate Portrait22:11worldslargest 0 + This is the World’s Largest Wet Plate Collodion Photo18:52winningphotos 0 + The Winning Photos of the First Annual Wet Plate Competition
03:00 0 + Кристина Сырчикова закончила работу над фотокнигой «Похоронное платье» и собирает средства на издание
00:23 0 + Spider Holster launches updated Hand Strap and Lens Collar Plate, as well as two new products
19:46tripodplate 0 + Tether Tools’ New Tripod Plate Makes Cable Management Way Less Annoying19:55wetplatecollodion 0 + Photographer Captures Motorcross Riders on a Wet Plate Camera21:49wetplate 0 + Building a Wet Plate Frankenstein Camera and Shooting Ghost Photos23:06Блог 0 + На что обращать внимание при выборе SSD-накопителя22:24 0 + Physicists now understand the multi-spectral qualities of the world’s first color photographs20:54wetplatecollodion 0 + Wet Plate Collodion Portraits of Frontline Medical Workers23:56tripodplate 0 + The ‘Magic Plate’ Lets You Switch Your Camera’s Orientation Without Taking it Off the Tripod18:31wetplate 0 + A Wet Plate Portrait of Greta Thunberg21:31winningphotos 0 + The Winning Photos of the 2019 Wet Plate Competition19:51 0 + World’s largest wet collodion plate created in abandoned house converted into a camera22:44technology 0 + Dry Glass Plate Photography is Back
22:24 0 + Physicists now understand the multi-spectral qualities of the world’s first color photographs
23:56tripodplate 0 + The ‘Magic Plate’ Lets You Switch Your Camera’s Orientation Without Taking it Off the Tripod