16:30strategy 0 + OM System’s Strategy Might Box It Into No-Man’s Land22:42 0 + Canon plans to release 32 RF-mount lenses over the next four years21:35sonyxperiapro 0 + Sony’s Smartphone Strategy Was Murky, But It’s Getting Clearer
22:47strategy 0 + Nikon Indicates Its APS-C Lens Strategy Is Focused on Entry-Level01:03ricohgr 0 + Ricoh is Dramatically Shifting its Camera Sales Strategy in Japan18:09photonews 0 + Hasselblad Hires Photographer Ming Thein as ‘Chief of Strategy’
11:22аналитика Strategy Analytics 0 + Strategy Analytics: Sony занимают почти половину рынка мобильных сенсоров19:47xperia 0 + Sony’s Cursed Strategy Sees it Finally Ship a Phone it Launched Last April18:00Global 0 + Hasselblad Appoints Ming Thein as Chief of Strategy
11:22аналитика Strategy Analytics 0 + Strategy Analytics: Sony занимают почти половину рынка мобильных сенсоров