21:19ringflashr1200 0 + First Look: Flashpoint XPLOR 1200 Pro and R1200 Ring Flash02:38xplor300pro 0 + Flashpoint Unveils the Ultra-Portable XPLOR 300 Pro Strobe for Just $500
18:28 0 + Flashpoint announces wireless XPLOR Power 1200 Pro R2 flash, its most powerful flash08:58Аксессуары 0 + Godox сделала моноблок Flashpoint XPLOR 300 Pro TTL размером с объектив
19:36 0 + The Flashpoint XPLOR 300 Pro is a Profoto B10 competitor for 1/3rd the price21:36Other/ 0 + Adorama представила студийную вспышку Flashpoint XPLOR 600 Pro HSS