Photo: Atomos Apple made a big splash in the video industry last week when it debuted ProRes RAW: a new video codec that seeks to combine the flexibility and editing latitude of RAW video with the performance and space benefits of a compressed ProRes file.
And now, thanks to a free firmware update from Atomos, owners of the Shogun Inferno and Sumo19 monitor/recorders can immediately begin shooting in the new and improved format.
Simply download and install the AtomOS 9 firmware at this link, and your Shogun Inferno and Sumo19 will be able to record ProRes RAW and ProRes RAW HQ using any of the nine supported cinema cameras from Panasonic, Sony and Canon. As of this writing, that makes the Shogun Inferno and Sumo19 the first and only monitor/recorders to offer ProRes RAW.
If you're still a bit confused as to what ProRes RAW is, and how it differs from standard ProRes, Atomos breaks down the benefits of the new format on its website. The company also produced the following ProRes RAW sample footage using the Atomos Shogun Inferno and three different cinema cameras: the Panasonic EVA1, Canon C300mkII and Sony FS5.
Press Release
ProRes RAW available today for Atomos recorders
Melbourne, Australia – 9 April 2018 – ProRes RAW is available today for Atomos recorders, delivering a powerful new RAW workflow when combined with Final Cut Pro 10. 4. 1. Simply install the free AtomOS 9 upgrade on the Atomos Shogun Inferno or Sumo19 monitor/recorders, connect to one of the nine supported cinema cameras, and begin recording in ProRes RAW and ProRes RAW HQ.
Users can immediately enjoy the benefits of the amazing new RAW end-to-end workflow that combines the incredible performance of ProRes with the flexibility of RAW. Atomos devices are the only monitor recorders to offer ProRes RAW, with pristine recording direct from the sensor output of Panasonic, Sony and Canon cinema cameras.
The response to ProRes RAW from the creative community has been incredible:
“The hills are alive with the sound of ProRes RAW, and Atomos has heard it…. Apple has a new format, and it’s everybody’s darling. The malleable nature of RAW and the beauty and (and necessity of) ProRes are together at long last, and Atomos has you covered. ” - Cinema5D
“This announcement is a big deal. ProRes has been an industry standard codec since its inception back in 2007, now 11 years later Apple is looking to position ProRes again as the go-to codec. ” - Newsshooter
“Apple has unveiled a new video recording codec called ProRes RAW, a move that instantly makes the high-quality format more mainstream. . . Atomos' Shogun Inferno and Sumo 19 recorders, meanwhile, will be the first to offer RAW recording for cameras from Panasonic, Sony, Canon and others. ” - Engadget
Come and see for yourself how Atomos is unlocking creativity at the NAB show, booth C9425 and at the 17th Annual Las Vegas SuperMeet on Tuesday 10th of April. There will be product demos, as well as the opportunity to get hands on with the gear and workflow with both companies.
2018-4-10 18:46