Want to see exactly what the new Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR lens looks like in the flesh? Check out our hands-on gallery of photos of the Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR lens.
photographyblog.com2017-9-23 14:05
Want to see exactly what the new Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR lens looks like in the flesh? Check out our hands-on gallery of photos of the Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2.8 R WR lens.
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9135582144","galleryId":"9135582144","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); The dust and moisture-sealed FUJINON GF 45mm F2. dpreview.com »
2018-06-19 15:00
When Fujifilm announced the Fujifilm GF 45mm f2. 8 R WR, I was incredibly excited. While most folks would think of this lens and something closer to the normal range, one needs to remember that this is medium format. thephoblographer.com »
2018-01-22 08:00
Ahead of our full review, here are some sample images (JPG and Raw) taken with a pre-production version of the new Fujifilm GF 45mm f/2. photographyblog.com »
2017-09-22 13:30
I applaud Fujifilm for delivering the Fujifilm GF 45mm f2. 8 R WR to us in such a short time; being the equivalent of the 35mm field of view I also applaud their delivering a wide angle medium format lens with a relatively fast aperture. thephoblographer.com »
2017-09-21 13:00
Линейка среднеформатных моделей GF от Fujifilm пополнится новым объективом Fujinon GF 45mm F2.8 R WR. onfoto.ru »
2017-09-08 11:02
Вместе с камерой X-E3 компания Fujifilm представила два новых объектива. Первый предназначен для среднеформатной беззеркалки Fujifilm GFX 50S. Он имеет фокусное расстояние 45 мм, что в переводе на полный кадр дает 35 мм, и светосилу F2. kaddr.com »
2017-09-07 16:03
Компания Fujifilm добавила к своей линейке GF новую среднеформатную оптику Fujinon GF 45mm F2. 8 R WR. Этот объектив обеспечит эквивалентное фокусное расстояние 36mm при использовании на среднеформатной беззеркальной камере GFX 50S. photar.ru »
2017-09-07 15:10
Fujifilm, as they so often do, hit us with a flurry of announcements today. In addition to the new X-E3, Fujifilm has announced two brand new lenses, one for their APS-C X-Series, and one for their Medium format GF series. thephoblographer.com »
2017-09-07 09:01