Hubble Records Mass and Location of a Black Hole for the First Time Ever

Hubble Records Mass and Location of a Black Hole for the First Time Ever

NASA has announced that it has isolated the mass and location of what could be a “wandering” black hole using the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the first time in the space agency's history it has been able to achieve this, despite there being over 100 million black holes populating our galaxy. [Read More]

black has

2022-6-11 20:14

black has → Результатов: 2 / black has - фото

Think Tank’s Retrospective Camera Bag Series Finally Comes in Black

Think Tanks Retrospective camera bag series has been a big hit for the company. However, for quite some time they have only been available in a color that Think Tank likes to call Pinestone. The color is lovely and has no doubt been a hit with photographers who enjoy earth tones, but there are those out there who like the more traditional shade of black. »

2019-09-10 22:00