$7 IKEA LADDA Batteries Beat $21 Eneloop Pros in Flash Recycle Time

We recently shared an analysis that showed how IKEA’s cheap LADDA rechargeable batteries are virtually identical to pricey Eneloop Pro batteries in capacity. But get this: it seems LADDA batteries actually outperform Eneloop Pros when it comes to flash recycle speed.

Wedding photographer Martin Cheung made this 3. 5-minute video in which he puts the two […].

batteries eneloop ladda

2018-3-1 19:48

batteries eneloop → Результатов: 2 / batteries eneloop - фото

Фото: petapixel.com

Are $5 IKEA LADDA Batteries Identical to $20 Eneloop Pro Batteries?

Do you use Eneloop Pro rechargeable batteries in your photo equipment? You may be able to get the same performance at a much lower cost. This interesting 7-minute video from Matthew Eargle of AirborneSurfer looks into whether these relatively expensive batteries ($20 per pack of 4) are actually identical to the much cheaper IKEA LADDA batteries that […] petapixel.com »

2018-02-16 22:24