Kacper Zapa’s Protests

"For me, it symbolizes something powerful, firm, and sudden. . . " says Kacper Zapalowski about his work during the current Polish protests around heavily restricting abortion laws. "Currently, they are one of the biggest protests in Poland to date.

Over 100 000 people went to the capital city of Warsaw just yesterday, with many more in the rest of Poland. " There is something about Kacper's images that really resonate with me. Maybe it's the intensity in the peoples' eyes. Though it could also be the way he framed them amidst a large protest. Shooting portraits the was Kacper did is pretty difficult, to be honest. But Kacper finds a way to make us pay attention to the chaos. Singling out individuals is incredibly important. And seeing the faces of the people that protests affect can really change our minds. .

kacper protests

2020-11-10 02:00