Wildlife Selfies Harm Animals
One of the biggest privileges of being a primatologist is spending time in remote locations with monkeys and apes, living near these animals in their habitats and experiencing their daily lives. petapixel.com »
Harm - Последние новости | |
One of the biggest privileges of being a primatologist is spending time in remote locations with monkeys and apes, living near these animals in their habitats and experiencing their daily lives. petapixel.com »
В США прошли испытания улучшенной версии AGM-88 HARM — оружия, предназначенного для уничтожения радаров и нейтрализации систем противовоздушной-противоракетной обороны. Российское издание "Военное обозрение» назвало даже модернизированную американскую ракету бессильной против российских С-400. photorealm.ru »
I found an image that I don’t want to see. Too familiar, and so, too hurtful. But as the Internet meme jokes, “What has been seen can’t be unseen. ” In that context, such images are considered shocking, graphic, violent. petapixel.com »