Результатов: 15

Freddie Child-Villiers перенес вид пленки Kodachrome 64 в цифровую фотографию

Фредд Чайлд-Вильерс (Freddie Child-Villiers) — знаменитый внештатный коммерческий фотограф из Кейптауна и Лондона. Фотографией занимается с самого детства. Как говорит сам Фредд, для него фотография – это безграничная среда для самовыражения, где ничего нельзя считать правильным или неправильным. photar.ru »

2021-11-21 11:11

Kodak Kodachrome Returns In Both 35mm and 120 Emulsions

Kodak Kodachrome was one of the most legendary film emulsions ever made! Rejoice, photographers: those of us who never got to shoot Kodak Kodachrome seem to be getting a chance after. Almost 10 years after the company announced the death of the beloved film emulsion, Kodak is letting the world know that Kodak Kodachrome is indeed going thephoblographer.com »

2018-4-1 07:00

Netflix acquires rights to Kodachrome: a movie about the final days of the iconic film

Photo courtesy Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Netflix has acquired the rights to Kodachrome, an upcoming Jason Sudeikis movie about the last days of the Kodachrome film era. The news was first reported by Deadline, who is claiming that Netflix paid $4 million for the rights and plans a widespread theatrical release that could cover theaters in major regions around the world—including the US, UK, Canada, and Japan. dpreview.com »

2017-9-15 22:21

Мы не увидим возвращение Kodachrome

Некоторое время назад компания Kodak Alaris сообщала о возросшем спросе на плёнку и своих планах возродить классическую Kodachrome. Сейчас директор по маркетингу компании Kodak сообщил, что планы изменились. photar.ru »

2017-1-28 20:29

Don't Take Our Kodachrome Away

The 19th and 20th centuries saw a dizzying array of photographic technologies, from the daguerreotypes that launched modern photography (and used toxic chemicals combined with polished sheets of silver to capture images) to tintypes, cyanotypes, lantern slides, gelatin silver prints, autochromes and so on, all the way up to the 1990s and the explosion of digital photography. digitalrev.com »

2016-10-7 03:00