Результатов: 22

Выражают “решительный протест”: ответ Японии на запуски Северной Кореей ракет в их сторону

Правительство Японии выразило решительный протест руководству Северной Кореи в связи с запуском баллистической ракеты в сторону Японского моря. Об это сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на заместителя министра обороны Японии Тосиро Ино. ferra.ru »

2023-3-20 13:16

Seattle Judge Orders Media to Share Unpublished Protest Photos with Police

In a controversial ruling that has sparked criticism from photojournalists across the US, a judge in Seattle has ruled that the local news media must hand over unpublished protest photos to the police, who will use them in an ongoing investigation into the destruction of several police vehicles on May 30th. The legal battle was […] petapixel.com »

2020-7-28 19:41

US Filmmaker Arrested While Documenting Pipeline Protest in Canada

US documentary filmmaker Melissa Cox had a run-in with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) this week while trying to document an indigenous protest in British Columbia. Despite the fact that she is a member of the press, the RCMP chose to arrest Cox, allegedly using “undue force” and tampering with her camera equipment in […] petapixel.com »

2020-2-28 00:04

Протест и портрет в повседневных декорациях от Павла Портнова

Фотограф из Минска Павел Портнов создаёт приятные, умиротворяющие лайфстайл-портреты и занимается постановочной арт-съёмкой, но среди его проектов есть и интересный проект с протестом против цензуры в соц. photar.ru »

2020-2-11 07:58

NYTimes Photog Tweets Blank Photo to Protest White House Pool Blackout

The photojournalists traveling in the White House Travel Pool aren’t happy with how much access (or lack thereof) they’re being given at an economic conference being attended by President Trump in Vietnam, and one photographer has taken to Twitter to protest… by publishing a black box as a “photo.” “This what our APEC Summit photo […] petapixel.com »

2017-11-12 20:51

Capitol Hill Police Forced Journalists to Delete Protest Photos, Reports Say

Capitol Hill police officers in D.C. are being accused of violating the First Amendment after reports emerged that journalists were forced to delete photos and videos of protests at the Senate. The Daily Dot reports that protesters stood in the hallway outside of the Senate chamber yesterday to voice their opposition to ongoing efforts to […] petapixel.com »

2017-7-27 00:00