Last November, Lytro unveiled Immerge, a pro-grade camera rig for producing cinematic VR content using the company’s light field technology. At the time, Lytro offered interested partners and studios the option to checkout a prototype of the rig, but little had been said since.
That changed last week, with Lytro publishing a demonstration video showing footage created by its rig as seen through an Oculus Rift VR headset.
Lytro’s Immerge produces content by capturing data from all directions around the rig, using that to generate views for VR footage. The resulting footage can be presented in a few different forms: as spherical videos, 180-degree and 360-degree immersive videos, and there’s also the option for seamless capture. Unlike most VR cameras on the market, though, Immerge is being targeted at large studios and others interested in producing cinematic VR content. As demonstrated in the video below, these studios can use Immerge’s end-to-end system to blend CG elements into the footage without using a traditional green screen.
It's not clear which companies have partnered with Lytro. However, Lytro VP of engineering Tim Milliron said in a statement to The Verge, ‘What I can say is definitely in Q1 of 2017 you should be seeing several kinds of these kinds of experiences out in the real world from other content producers that we’re working with today. ' The rig’s price hasn’t been revealed, but previous statements from the company pegs it at 'multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars. '
Via: The Verge
. dpreview.com2016-8-31 21:49