
MagBox от MagMod: “революционный” магнитный софтбокс

Кампания MagMod на Kickstarter уже собрала в четыре раза больше запланированной суммы. В 2013 году компания MagMod выпустила новаторскую систему модификаторов для вспышки, в которой вместо липучек использовались магниты.

The MagMod Magbox is a Fresh New Take On The Softbox

People don’t like change, and often times things that could be done better or more efficiently aren’t because people are comfortable with the inefficient way. MagMod has built their business on reinventing photography lighting accessories with their easy to use a system based on magnets, and now they are back with their take on an off-camera lighting setup – The MagBox.

