
Fujifilm GFX Needs These to Compete with Full Frame

It's a known fact that the Fujifilm GFX system is designed to compete with full-frame cameras. But logically speaking, full-frame cameras are much more capable. Image quality aside, they've got faster autofocus, more useful technology, more lenses, and quite the head start.

An Easy Cross Processed Look. KONO! Delight Art 100 Review

Earlier this year, KONO! launched the KONO! Delight Art 100 in 120, then later in 35mm. This isn’t a typical film emulsion. We’re told it’s tinted Kodak Ektar 100. Ektar was my least favorite Kodak film, and KONO! added some flavor.

This Problem with the Hasselblad 203FE Will Drive Photographers Mad

One of the most frustrating things that could happen to film photographers is getting ruined photos because of a camera issue. It's always a risk when you're working with an old camera, especially one that hasn't been serviced or the lenses haven't been CLA'd (Clean, Lubricate, Adjust) in a long time.

Medium Format Film Photography for the Digital Photographer: An Introduction

When I first got started in medium format film photography, I found it pretty confusing. But I, like many of you, was basing it off of the digital photography formats available. This can get even more confusing for digital photographers getting into film. So we've got a tutorial video that should sort it out.

