Meyer Optik, a German lens manufacturer that has already brought some of its historic lens designs back to life via crowdfunding campaigns, has launched another Kickstarter project. This time the company is looking for funding to relaunch the Primoplan 58/F1.
9 lens, designed 80 years ago by engineer Paul Schaefter.
The lens comprises five elements and offers different styles of bokeh, depending on subject distance and aperture. The 58/F1. 9 uses some of the same components, including the housing, as the Trioplan 50. This means Meyer Optiks can generate economies of scale and offer the lens at a more affordable price than otherwise possible.
The new Primoplan 58/F1. 9 will be available worldwide and shipping is slated for February or March 2017. To minimize the cost of delivery the lens will be shipped, depending on the buyer's location, from either the US or Germany. The campaign has already surpassed its funding goal but you can still secure a Primoplan 58/F1. 9 by pledging $599. More information, sample images and a video are available on the project's Kickstarter page.
Copyright: Firat Bagdu
Copyright: Tamara Skudies
Copyright: Firat Bagdu
2016-9-10 20:52