
Just Get the Words on the Page: On Motivation and Photography

I’ve recently been speaking with a variety of photographers about the struggles they are having, and motivation is often at the top of the list. I share a lot of these struggles, and I think a big part of any creative practice is learning to fight through them as best you can. Motivation is a skill […]

Five Simple Ways to Beat Creative Block in Photography

Are you stuck with your photography projects or haven't been shooting for a while? Don't like the photos you've taken lately? Having a hard time breaking out of that creative rut? It all happens to us in different forms and varying degrees.



Why You Should Follow Lesser-Known and Local Photographers

Between 2008 and late 2016, I took tens of thousands of pictures and proudly vomited the vast majority of them online. While I’d toyed around with things like depth of field and long exposures, I didn’t understand anything about photography, so my camera rarely left ‘auto’.