
Camden Thrasher Snaps Amazing Photos Of Supersonic Aircraft

“I’m focused on what’s actually right in front of me,” candidly replies aviation photographer Camden Thrasher on how he keeps a clear head when airplanes are whizzing around him. An expert at freezing fast-moving aircraft, he’s taken some memorable images of them during his career.

Camden Thrasher Snaps Amazing Photos Of Hypersonic Aircraft

“I’m focused on what’s actually right in front of me,” candidly replies aviation photographer Camden Thrasher on how he keeps a clear head when airplanes are whizzing around him. An expert at freezing fast-moving aircraft, he’s taken some memorable images of them during his career.

Десять зеркалок Nikon D5 отправлены в комос

НАСА любит камеры Nikon. Ещё в августе космическое агентство заказало 53 зеркалки Nikon D5, которые будут использоваться на Международной космической станции и на Земле. Десять из этих камер D5 планируется доставить на МКС на этой неделе.

