You're lazy. Sometimes I'm lazy. Sometimes this staff is lazy. Sometimes even the best professional photographers are lazy. There is a part of me that wishes that autofocus were never developed--but the flip side to that is that my legal blindness would further hinder my shooting abilities, sort of.
And I think that we, as photographers, have come to rely too heavily on technology as a crutch. The best of us have used it to create and capture moments that no one else has. But we've used access, anticipation, and understanding of moments to help immortalize those scenes in photographs. Before I go on, know that I'm not saying that there is something wrong with the way you shoot. But instead, it's to hammer in the fact that if you simply make things harder for you and give yourselves challenges, that you can create better images. And what better way to do that than to simply set things back to the bare essentials. .
2020-11-3 14:00