Pakistani Artist Quits Her Job As A Dentist And Starts Putting Glitter On Everything

Pakistani Artist Quits Her Job As A Dentist And Starts Putting Glitter On Everything

We all experience professional burnout at one point in our lives, but for this Pakistani dentist, it led her down to the path of self-discovery where she found her love for photo editing. Sara Shakeel, who is fully self-taught, spends her time fixing boring old photos with glitters; making them sparkle, and shine with crystals, rainbows, and diamonds as a means to find healing from her burnout.

Starting out by covering stretch marks with glitters under the hashtag #glitterstretchmarks, to encourage positive body image, Sara's skill had gained popularity launching her foray into full-time artistry; from filling teeth to filling photos of people, landscapes and animals with shiny diamonds, crystals, and rainbows. .


2018-12-31 05:35