Photo: Brendan Nystedt As we enter the final phase of our Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 II review, we've added the test scene images to our image comparison tool. Recent Videos!function(n){if(!window.
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These have been shot using our standard process meaning that they can be directly compared with the hundreds of cameras we've previously shot. As usual we've shot in two different lighting conditions and uploaded both JPEGs and Raws processed using Adobe Camera Raw.
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High resolution images shot using the G9 II's pixel shift high resolution mode have also been included (100MP Tripod mode, no motion correction). These have been shot at F4 to reduce the impact of diffraction.
As always, the original out-of-camera JPEGs and Raws can be downloaded and subject them to your preferred processing workflow, to see whether they suit your needs.
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2024-3-14 16:00