
A New Photo Book Pays a Moving Homage to Anna Atkins with a Contemporary Twist

The year was 1843 when Anna Atkins, a 40-year-old woman photographer, reached the milestone of becoming the first individual to publish a photo book. While the credit for the achievement is often given to William Henry Fox Talbot, the inventor of photography, it was actually Anna who beat him to it by mere weeks.

The Book That Can Save Photography

I turned 37 this month, and I often look around at the world of photography while trying to reinforce that what we do is art. With the way that technology changes so quickly, most people associate photography with content instead of art.

The Photo Book of NY’s Wildest Party Era (NSFW)

Like all other artists, I often find an affection for the past and wish that I'd have had the emotional understanding to know that those were very good times in life. And I can say with certainty that the 2000s were wild times.

Louis Dazy Funds Self-Published “Dreams on Technicolor” Photo Book

Paris-based Louis Dazy, a long time favorite of the film photography community for his dreamy and nostalgic imagery, has finally put together his first self-published photo book. If you've long been waiting to get a good collection of his work on print, now is your chance to show your support and grab a copy though Kickstarter.

The Flower Men of Malik Ghat Shows Off a Rarely Seen Side of Indian Culture

Ken Hermann is a photographer based out of Copenhagen, who while on a trip to India came across a sight that he couldn’t help but be fascinated with. The Flower Men on the Malik Ghat Market are skilled men who carry flowers to marketing wearing these interesting and beautiful dress-like outfits.

