Photographing the Total Eclipse: Tips from My Last One in 1991

Being in the path of totality during a total solar eclipse is one of the very coolest, weirdest, and most benign natural phenomena you can ever experience. As the eclipse progress through totality the air around cools, natural sounds change, and during totality not only does the sun go dark except for the sun’s corona’ extending beyond the edge of the moon, but the light in the sky and on the land, is like nothing else I have ever experienced.

To say it is an awesome (a word which when used here means “extremely impressive and very different from anything else I have ever experienced”).

totality ever eclipse

2017-8-18 07:00

totality ever → Результатов: 1 / totality ever - фото

Photographing the Total Eclipse: Tips from the Last One in 1991

Being in the path of totality during a total solar eclipse is one of the very coolest, weirdest, and most benign natural phenomena you can ever experience. As the eclipse progress through totality the air around cools, natural sounds change, and during totality not only does the sun go dark except for the sun’s corona’ extending beyond the edge of the moon, but the light in the sky and on the land, is like nothing else I have ever experienced. »

2017-08-18 07:00