
Kremer and Johnson Made Creative Ads with Extra Talented Dogs

"It took several extra hours to complete each shot," says Neil Kremer of Kremer and Johnson about the challenges behind working with dogs on the sets of a photo shoot. Even though the dogs were experienced and had a Hollywood trainer with them, they'd often do unpredictable things.

Can You Really Produce Professional Results With Crop Sensor Cameras?

Crop Sensor cameras have been getting a pretty bad rep for some time. By and large, you have the Full Frame or bust crowd to thank for this stigma. Full Frame cameras were the de facto standard for a long time thanks to their performance advantage over their Crop Sensor brethren.

Photography Cheat Sheet: Making Money as a Photographer

At some point in your photography stint, you might realize that you want to start shooting professionally. Or, you may even have ventured into the craft of photography with the goal of making money out of your work eventually.

Is Professional Photography Dead, or is The Profession Alive And Kicking?

10 years ago or so, if someone had said professional photography will die due to ultra affordable cameras and powerful smartphone cameras, professional photographers would have roared out with laughter so loud it would have been heard in camera shops and studios around the globe, but here we are in 2019 where everyone with an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy something-or-other can take really great quality pictures.

