This post may genuinely sound like an ad, but it really isn't as I've followed FTC laws since the first days of this blog. Instead, it's just genuine praise for pretty much everything about the system with the exception of folding the damn backdrop back down into a portable configuration.
Many photographers probably have some sort of at home studio setup. I know some that personally use paper and I've always instead reached for muslins and canvas. In fact, it's not unusual for me to go around Etsy to find painter's canvases that were on the floor to prevent paint from damaging said floor, cashmere blankets, Persian rugs, etc. But with the Manfrotto Magnetic Background Mount and Lastolite Concrete Backdrop, you genuinely get a solution to a problem that you never really thought you had simply because we've been doing things in a certain way for so long. Backdrops typically need to slung over a bar of some sort and then adjusted. But with this combination, you can throw that idea out the window. .
2018-1-23 08:00