
Why I Stopped Posting Images to Reddit

Over a decade ago, I was teaching Wordpress and Tumblr to photographers at the B&H Photo event space. "What do I do if people want to steal my images?" someone asked me. To that statement, I retorted something that others had told me before you first have to create images that someone will want to steal.

You Should be Watching B&H Photo Very Closely

As the US's largest photo retailer, B&H Photo has been in the news many times for issues around discrimination. We've often been the only photography website to report on it as many others are often in the company's pockets.

Photography and Elitist Language: Something Has to Change

Like any walk of life, the photo industry has its own code words and language. There's nothing wrong with that. It makes communication more fun and interesting. But let's be honest, some of the phrases can be slightly cringy and cheesy.

Here’s the Best Way to Deal With an Abusive Internet Troll

Sadly, dealing with internet trolls is part and parcel of being a photographer in the digital age. People don’t care about the impact of their words. The internet has given everyone an outlet to air their grievances with the world, without taking a second to think about how they will impact other people.

Do You Really Pay Attention to Image Quality Anymore?

Just how much attention do you pay to the sample images from new cameras that are posted during reviews on blogs and in YouTube videos? A big part of any camera review will always be the sample images, but a recent post from a Redditor has us wondering if we have reached a point of sensors, and image quality being a moot point. Let's talk about this after the break.

This Reddit Thread is a Must Read For New Photographers Everywhere

Starting out in photography can be incredibly challenging, and for most people, it is incredibly overwhelming. Once you get past the headache of picking out your first camera and then your first lens, you have to deal with learning about composition, the exposure triangle, editing, and so much more.

This Reddit Thread Is a Must Read for New Photographers Everywhere

Starting out in photography can be incredibly challenging, and for most people, it is incredibly overwhelming. Once you get past the headache of picking out your first camera and then your first lens, you have to deal with learning about composition, the exposure triangle, editing, and so much more.

When it Comes to Lens Cleaning Don’t Even Think About Using Your Shirt

You're out on a shoot, you accidentally touch the front element of your lens so you take a closer look. You see that there's dust and some small, weird dead bug on there too; what do you do? The one action many of us would probably take is wiping the glass with the T-shirt or clothing we're wearing.

This Meme Perfectly Describes One of the Most Toxic Instagram Practices

It's time once more for us to share with you all our recent finds on Reddit. This time, we have a meme that accurately describes one of the most toxic behaviors on Instagram:  We're sure a lot of you have fallen victim to this nefarious act, so have a laugh before scouring your account for people who have done this and unfollow them as well.

LOL! These Film Photography Dad Jokes Are Making Us Giggle

Dad jokes are everywhere, and if you think you can escape it in the photography world, you're sorely mistaken. Today, we bring some brilliant (or face palm-worthy) bits of humor that are peppered with puns and some sprinkling of wit here and there.

LOL! These Film Photography Dad Jokes are Making us Giggle

Dad jokes are everywhere, and if you think you can escape it in the photography world, you're sorely mistaken. Today, we bring some brilliant (or face palm-worthy) bits of humor that are peppered with puns and some sprinkling of wit here and there.

What Happened to this Badly Burned Leica Camera?

For the sky-high prices they often come at, their durability, and the quality of the images they produce, Leica cameras are among the most coveted gear among photographers. They’re usually treated with care that’s borderline reverence and devotion – which is why we, and we guess many of you guys as well, were shocked when we stumbled upon the picture of this Leica camera that’s burned so bad it’s barely recognizable now.

What Happened to This Badly Burned Leica Camera?

For the sky-high prices they often come at, their durability, and the quality of the images they produce, Leica cameras are among the most coveted gear among photographers. They’re usually treated with care that’s borderline reverence and devotion – which is why we, and we guess many of you guys as well, were shocked when we stumbled upon the picture of this Leica camera that’s burned so bad it’s barely recognizable now.

How My Photo Went from Reddit to the Walls of NASA

About 4 months ago, I posted a photo of my 7-hexagon canvas cluster to Reddit’s r/space (on a Sunday, the only day you’re allowed to post your own astro photos to the sub). The title of the post was: “I’m a photographer and print-maker and my passion is the night sky. I made this 7-hexagon […]

Ilford Has Updated Their Box Designs for 35mm and 120 Film

Are you among the eagle-eyed film photographers who have noticed Ilford's new film box design? If you haven't seen the change yet, we got the details for you. Don't worry, the new packaging isn't much different from the clean and easily identifiable design we all know and love.

Film Buffs: Here’s a List of Every Polaroid Camera Ever Made

Over on R/Polaroid, U/Grandberries posted a pretty comprehensive list of every Polaroid film camera ever made and breaks it down into further categories. The list includes a whole lot of cameras and has been improved and added to by the community who typically shoots lots of Instant film of all types that actually involve chemical

