
The Nikon Point and Shoot That Sells for Over $2,000

The camera market has a very peculiar way of showcasing ongoing trends. While we all have seen a massive drop in some of the most sought-after cameras, thanks to rebates, we have also come across instances where cameras sell for a much higher rate than their original pricing.


Kodak Ektachrome is Now in the Hands of Testers

After originally being announced back in January 2017, the return of Kodak Ektachrome film is inching closer: rolls of the film are now landing in the hands of beta testers around the world. The official Kodak Instagram account has published photos of Ektachrome boxes being held by photographers. @sandracoan @benjhaisch Thank you for being on […]


The Return of Kodak Ektachrome Film is Nigh

Want to shoot Kodak’s extinct Ektachrome film again? You’ll be able to very, very soon. Kodak is saying that a limited supply of the resurrected film is coming by the end of the year, and a full relaunch is scheduled for 2018.