
Carlos Hernandez Has Hope That Queer People Won’t Face Alienation

"This series has become a way for me to honor and advance queer relationships," says BFA student Carlos Hernandez about his one-of-a-kind photo series called 'Queer Alienism. ' He aims to showcase elements of queer existence beyond the current limitations that he observes.

Los Angeles Bans Photos at Concerts in Public Park

The city of Los Angeles is banning photography at free concerts in a public park, and photographers aren’t happy about it. Several prominent photographer, journalist, and civil rights organizations have joined forces in writing a letter that protests the policy.


Your Rights as a Photographer in the United States

Most people take pictures, post, and then never think about what happens to them. This is totally normal for people who take pictures to document memories, humblebrag on social media, and share pictures with their loved ones.

Study Says No Camera Brands are Ethical, Recommends Buying Used

The Ethical Consumer, an alternative consumer organization based in the UK, found that it could not rate any camera manufacturer as ethical, and as a result recommends buying second-hand instead. The organization conducts studies on a three-year basis to determine what brands, including camera manufacturers, act ethically based on a number of factors that include […]
