
The Most Important Autofocus Points on Any Camera

Modern cameras are competent when it comes to autofocus, even though they're not all able to do the same things. But in terms of pure autofocus, photographers have used primarily only a few points for most of photography history.

The Lazy Way Around the Rule of Thirds in Photography

Technically speaking, the photo above could be awful according to the rule of thirds. When you first start out in photography, you probably center your subject. It's inevitable. And it's also just aesthetically the most pleasing until we start to learn more.

An Introduction to the Rule of Thirds and Why It Is Worth Mastering

You just got your first camera. You're eager to go out and capture images like the ones you see on Instagram and other social media sites. You head out, capture your shots, look at them, and then you can't figure out why your images don't grab the attention of your viewers, and even yourself.



20 Composition Techniques That Will Make Your Photos Look Better

There are no unbreakable rules when it comes to how you should compose your photographs After all, who likes rules except for your old school principal or heads of H.R. departments? There are however, several guidelines you can use to help improve the composition of your photos.