
How to Make Your Photos Look Retro Digital

There's a new trend going around: the retro digital trend! That's where folks are buying up all the older compact cameras and embracing the look they deliver. But why? It's because newer cameras deliver a look that's way too clean and manicured.

The Best Camera Kit for the Pro Who Wants to Have Fun

Let's face it, sometimes a professional photographer just wants to have fun. We yearn to bring a camera around for those random moments where we know that our phone isn't good enough, but where we're also not planning on making money with our images.

Panasonic S9 Promotional Image Controversy

Sankei had a new article in the Panasonic Lumix S9. Panasonic's launch of the Lumix S9 camera hit some problems recently and has faced criticism for a marketing blunder that has cast a shadow over the launch.

