Satellite Spots ‘Star Trek’ Starfleet Logo Among Dirty Sea Ice
A photo taken by NASA's Earth Observing-1 satellite in 2012 has resurfaced thanks to a bright white patch of sea ice that resembles the iconic Star Trek Starfleet logo. [Read More]
A photo taken by NASA's Earth Observing-1 satellite in 2012 has resurfaced thanks to a bright white patch of sea ice that resembles the iconic Star Trek Starfleet logo. [Read More]
NASA has announced an unusual new discovery: the iconic Star Trek Starfleet logo has been found on the surface of Mars. The insignia was captured by the agency’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that’s orbiting the red planet, and the MRO HiRISE (High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) camera team at the University of Arizona explains that the curious […]
An amateur astronomer spotted a familiar sight on the surface of Mars in a photograph taken by NASA's Curiosity Rover.
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Drone defense vary greatly—we’ve seen everything from drone-specific shotgun shells to trained police eagles. But none of those have anything on DroneShield’s new DroneGun, a massive drone jamming system that would look totally at home on the set of Star Trek.