
I Photograph My Life And Tell Story About Armenia

German genius and writer Goethe says: “Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” In these photos, you can see the dream story of one photographer, which captures everything she sees with her eyes and how the world can be with her dream eye.

Cheap Photo: Learn the Art of Long Exposure Photography for Just $29

Long exposure photography in itself is not very difficult to master. Anyone can set a camera on a tripod and can slow the shutter speed down low enough to cause some blur in the clouds or rushing water, but do you know how to create captivating images that aren't the same thing that everyone else is creating? Can you create long exposure images that are otherworldly, and that tell a story? This new long exposure photography guide from Sharon Tenenbaum will teach you how to make images that will blow your mind and will set you apart from the rest.

Reddit Thinks This is the Greatest Photograph in History

Ever since the very first camera was used, mankind has been capturing moments and freezing them in time. These moments have shown joy, celebration, and technological marvels, but they have also shown the epic struggles that we as a species have faced such as war, famine, and natural disasters.

On Family and Photography: A Personal Tale on Film

When I approach our contributors about stories, I tend to cater to their specialties and get them to be more expressive about what they do. In case of contributor James Moreton, we got very personal.

Live Show Recap: Storytelling

Hey there! This show was fun, although the topic proved to be a bit tough to meet. Although every photo may be a piece of a story, we were looking for photos that conveyed a full story in one shot. You can see my attempt at it here. Next week we’ll look at your black and […]

Beginner Photography: Storytelling

This week’s subject is storytelling, in other words, being able to convey a story in a single image. I’m gonna call this project a big ole failure for me, right off the bat. I mean, I had a few concepts and I executed them, but not particularly well.  I enlisted my husband to model for […]



Commercial storytelling: Building a narrative

Here are our top tips for telling a story effectively in your commercial photography—even if it's with just a single frame. The post Commercial storytelling: Building a narrative appeared first on 500px.