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OM System's OM-1 Mark II updates its flagship high-speed Micro Four Thirds camera with incremental improvements to hardware and some performance and handling tweaks. Micro Four Thirds is marketed as a lightweight system ideal for travel and wildlife where reduced size and weight can make or break plans for what gear to take on a trip. So we hit Seattle in search of nature and sightseeing.
Buy now:
$2399 at Amazon
$2399 at B&H Photo
$2399 kit at Adorama
Winters in the Pacific Northwest mean rain and gray skies, with a rare day of sunshine every so often to remind us that color and contrast still exist. We encountered some eagles and hungry ducks in a downpour and caught up with some people and zoo animals on a dry day.
View our OM-1 Mark II sample gallery
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. dpreview.com2024-2-4 16:00