Tariq Zaidi Lets Us in on the Stylish Circle of the Brazzaville “Sapeurs”

We are bombarded by images of the latest fashion and styles everyday, with either commercial or creative intent (and sometimes both). In his fascinating series  however, London-based documentary photographer Tariq Zaidi has found a unique way to look at fashion through social commentary.

The Sapeurs of Brazzaville introduces us to the practitioners of La Sape, a fashion subculture in the cities of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo. They are called sapeurs (dapper gents) and sapeuse (dandy ladies) who choose to be the embodiment of elegance, flamboyance, opulence, and glamour in a place that is anything but. .

sapeurs fashion brazzaville

2019-3-11 13:00