
Instagram’s Moral Imperative: Let Users Disable Embedding

The past few years have made it abundantly clear that platforms hold disproportionate power in the online sphere – from Uber to Grubhub to Amazon. Online success is predicated on building both utility as well as a critical mass of users, and for that, platforms should be congratulated. However, once we agree to the terms […]

A Lawyer Digs Into Instagram’s Terms of Use

Social media have so thoroughly infused our everyday lives that calling them “ubiquitous” seems inadequate. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and others take up an astonishing amount of our time, bandwidth, and attention, and have become indispensable business and marketing tools as well.


Adobe’s Terms of Use Controversy Provided an Opportunity to Improve

Less than two weeks after significant outrage concerning Adobe's Terms of Use, fueled in part by poor communication, a lack of trust, and good old-fashioned misinformation, Adobe has delivered its promised revised Terms of Use, complete with new explainer text and assurances. [Read More]
