The Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) has released the first images captured with CAI attribution using both hardware and software from partners implementing CAI’s standards. Until now, the CAI standard was nothing more than words on a page.
Now, thanks to Adobe, Truepic and Qualcomm, we get to see what the process actually looks like, from beginning to end. As demonstrated when the standard was first announced, the ‘new attribution standard allows anyone to access verifiable information about visual content. ’
When you hover over the 'info' button on the image, you will get a summary of who it was produced by, when it was produced and what, if any, post-production actions were applied. Click to enlarge.
These first images were captured in a ‘Secure mode’ on a Qualcomm-powered smartphone (likely a prototype) device with Truepic authentication onboard. At capture, the image and its attributes are embedded and passed along when the image is edited in Adobe Photoshop. Once exported from Photoshop, that final image will have all of the new information onboard — including a list of the categories of actions were applied to the image in Photoshop — alongside the original JPEG and image data captured onboard the smartphone.
The red circle is highlighting the 'info' button that appears overlaid on the CAI standardized images.
To view all of this information, all one needs to do is tap the small ‘i’ icon on the top-right corner of the image, highlighted in the above graphic.
Adobe, Twitter, Qualcomm, Truepic, The New York Times and others are already working to bring this technology mainstream to help distinguish authentic images from altered images, be it for fun or nefarious reasons. Between these major organizations hopping onboard alongside the CAI’s open-source nature, it’s not impossible such content verification techniques could become the norm, not the anomalies, in the near future.
This is what the CAI standard will look like on the 'Verify' page that appears when you click 'View more' in the 'info' section of the image. Click to enlarge.
To see what the standards look like in action, head on over to the showcase page on the CAI website. There’s also an FAQ page for additional information.
. dpreview.com2020-12-8 22:43