"Seeing children learn photography and getting the chance to express themselves motivates me to continue this workshop and make it bigger," says 26-year-old Serbest Salih. Currently based in Turkey, he is the Director of Sirkhane DARKROOM--a photography school in an impoverished neighborhood near in the city of Nusaybin.
"It gives young people the opportunity to develop life skills, such as group dynamics, adopting universal values, improving coordination and concentration, therefore developing a healthy personality and healthy social communication skills. " Now, he's trying to turn this into an even bigger project with the Darkroom. Sometimes called the Flying Darkroom, it's a giant shipping container that has been converted for educational and Darkroom usage. The vessel will travel every three months to serve another underprivileged community--or at least that's the goal. For Serbest, this project is all about helping these children express themselves. . thephoblographer.com
2020-5-19 13:00