The Last Portrait: A moving tribute to a friend and neighbor

Photographer Jared Polin of Fro Knows Photo recently put together an incredibly personal photo story—a project he's calling "one of the most powerful photo/video projects we've ever done.

" The story features Arty, Jared's neighbor of several years who was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

For Jared, Arty's diagnosis struck a very personal note.

"When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it reminds me of my mom," he explains in the video. "Because she passed away from cancer and I dealt with it in a different way from a lot of people, I chose to hide behind the camera. "

He told his mom's story as a way to "show the good with the bad," and as he got to know Arty and connect with him, Jared saw an opportunity to tell another story—to capture this man's life for his friends, his family, and even complete strangers because almost everybody has been touched by this disease in some form or fashion. The video above and the photographs below were Jared's way of capturing Arty, of writing down his personality in pixels and ink.

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Arty passed away shortly after the filming of this video. If this story moved you, or if you think it will touch a loved one or friend, please be sure to share it with them. And if you'd like to make a donation to help support the fight against cancer in Arty's name, click here.


arty jared story cancer

2017-9-12 23:25