There’s A Drinking Camera In This Coca Cola Bottle Holder

There’s A Drinking Camera In This Coca Cola Bottle Holder

In an awkward three-minutes-to-deadline marketing decision, Coca Cola has produced a special coaster for their bottles that has an in-built camera. The brainchild of Israeli marketing company Gefen Team, these strange items are not for sale and were produced solely for Coca Cola Israel’s sponsored Summer Loving event, where they hope to “get down with the kids” on this selfie craze.


Cringeworthy as that is, this bottle holder has a rather nifty little mechanism. It’s hooked up to a sensor that can tell whenever the bottle is raised at a 70 degree angle, and will then snap a picture. Ideally this is so it captures a reverse perspective view of the festival goers chugging down their product. The problem is however, that this device is going to take a ridiculous number of awful pictures any time someone twirls the bottle.

/Coca Cola

Getting hold of the images is another strange process. Instead of a connection cable or disk, upon capture the bottle holder will instantly transfer the photos it’s taken to the Coca Cola Israel Instagram and Facebook pages. Hopefully there’s some kind of check on the pictures before they go live. Regardless if that’s the case, it’s then up to the bottle owners to go on the pages and tag themselves.

We understand the idea is a cheeky trick to get people to visit Coca Cola’s social media accounts and for that it’s pretty clever. We also kind of like the idea of a “bottle’s eye view” of drinkers. There’s just something incredibly embarrassing about a costly “one and done” selfie-based promotion for a sugary soft drink when it’s 2016.


bottle cola coca

2016-11-17 03:00