Top 10 sample galleries of the year #8: Nikon D7500

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9200575231","galleryId":"9200575231","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); We're counting down our top 10 most popular sample galleries of 2017.

At the #8 spot we have the Nikon D7500, which launched in the spring of this year.

This enthusiast DSLR is very well suited for all forms of still photography – read how it won one of our editors over – thanks to excellent subject tracking, a fast burst rate, deep buffer, good image quality, and solid ergonomics. It sits right below the APS-C flagship Nikon D500 (read how the two stack up) and borrows a few key components from it and the Nikon D5.

We gave it a silver award in our review – it also scored a bit higher than its closest Canon competitor, the EOS 80D (read how the two compare). So take a peek around our gallery and see why we think this camera rocks.

Top 10 most popular sample galleries of 2017:

#10: Sigma 14mm F1. 8 Art
#9: Fujifilm GFX 50S
#8: Nikon D7500
#7: To be revealed on 11/18
#6: To be revealed on 11/19
#5: To be revealed on 11/20
#4: To be revealed on 11/21
#3: To be revealed on 11/22
#2: To be revealed on 11/23
#1: To be revealed on 11/24


revealed nikon our how read

2017-11-17 15:00