Tourist Swept to Death By Giant Wave After Filming Herself Doing Yoga on Rocks
A tourist was swept to her death by a giant wave after filming herself doing yoga from rocks on a beach.
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A tourist was swept to her death by a giant wave after filming herself doing yoga from rocks on a beach.
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A tourist seeking a photo with a member of the horse-mounted King's Guard in London was savagely bitten by the animal which caused her to faint. [Read More]
A woman was bitten by a horse belonging to a member of the King's Guard after getting too close while posing for a photo.
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Focus Studio Co. , Ltd. выпустила сменный объектив Nakaichi Kogaku TOURIST 28mm F5. 6 для среднеформатного крепления Fujifilm G. Этот мануальный объектив характеризуется легким весом около 157 г, а его фокусное расстояние эквивалентно 22 мм для полного кадра, что предполагает использование объектива для пейзажной фотографии.
A member of the King's Guard in London screamed at a tourist after she got too close to him while trying to take a photo.
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A tourist visiting Bali just received a scare while posing for a photo at a popular spot known as “Devil’s Tears. ” While standing on the edge of a cliff, a gigantic wave crashed against the rock and blasted the woman off her feet.
When American tourist Paul Cole was visiting London in 1969, he'd grown tired of visiting museums so he decided to have a wander around Abbey Road while waiting for his wife. [Read More]
It was on my radar for what seems like an eternity. After visiting last month, it’s clear that Budapest is an amazing destination! The city became one of Eastern Europe’s major city break destinations.