
Escura’s $50 InstantSnap Toy Camera Looks Like an Instant Photo Print

Photography company Escura showed off a fascinating InstantSnap camera at the 2025 CP+ show in Japan. The unusual and affordable InstantSnap camera is basically a large optical viewfinder surrounded by a white frame, akin in overall size and shape to a small instant photo print. [Read More]


The Holga 120N is Coming Back from the Dead

After its launch in the early 1980s, Holga cameras became popular options for people looking to shoot medium format 120 film on the cheap. Production was shut down in late 2015, but now the camera is making a comeback: the classic Holga 120N is coming back this year.


I Shot Military Survival Training with a Holga Toy Camera

My name is Corban Lundborg, and I just completed a series of rare military survival courses at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane, Washington, during February 2020. I was authorized to bring a film camera to the field portion of SERE (Survive, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) School. Equipped with a Holga 120N plastic camera, I was […]